“So, after a bad year for everyone, plus a few personal issues (and a lot of physical exercises!) I realised I couldn’t continue the way that I was. I had been a very strict Vegan for 2 years and realised any body fat that I once had had just disappeared. I started to feel tired, never really full after eating and everything became a bit of a struggle. Plus the world's worse year in history to add to all this.
I was also tired of seeing nutritionist posts about how you should eat all these 'easy to prepare' healthy meals. How you should be eating all these good fats, Should be doing 'this and that' whilst they seem to have endless amounts of money and endless amounts of time. It was just unattainable and bothersome!
I am the world's laziest cook (if cooking just for me) and a fairly busy and active single Mum. I slowly began to realise not only am I feeling tired I look tired and more underweight than ever before. Not a great feeling. I've always been on the ‘skinny’ side (a word I hate) and find it really hard to gain weight. So enter Kate...
I was looking for someone to get results in gaining weight and if possible give some confidence back. But more importantly to ‘KEEP IT REAL' a seemingly impossible task, or so I thought.
From the start, she gave me so much positive motivation I felt inspired and wanted to give everything she suggested a go.
It took a few weeks to get into a routine, I had to be organised and trust in the process. I remember the first time I realised I was on the right track was when I measured and weighed myself and realise I had massively gained weight. A few positive comments from friends who hadn’t seen me in weeks helped me realise ‘this is working’. My confidence got back to how it always used to be and my clothes fitted better and weren't hanging off my hips.
I now have a routine that's achievable and not time-consuming. I feel confident, happier, and healthier. I still can’t quite believe it worked!
I couldn’t recommend anyone more.”